Michelle Stitzlein has visited over 100 elementary schools and organizations as an artist-in-residence and shares her inspiration and how-to steps for creating art with plastic bottle caps, otherwise destined for the landfill (or worse, the ocean), in her books. These projects help children understand their own community’s role in consuming, using and disposing of plastics.

Her books Bottlecap Little Bottlecap and Cool Caps! explain the supplies needed and all the steps for multiple projects. Bottlecap Little Bottlecap provides instructions for interactive murals, free-standing yard ornaments, lawn installations, and fridge magnets. Cool Caps! provides instructions for aprons, window decals, cake/gift box toppers, free-standing sculptures, and outdoor decorations. They provide many tips on how to collect, clean and affix/apply bottle caps in general. They are available here.

> Gallery of projects

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Captions for sliding images at top of page:
1. Books; Bottlecap art how-to books by Michelle Stitzlein 
2. Watermelon; Art teacher: Robin Clay; Buckeye Valley Elementary-East; Ashley, OH
3. Left: Boy with drill; Art teacher: Hailey Dulde; Edgerton Elementary; Hales Corners, WI; Right: Yellow sunbeam; Art teacher: Holly Smith; Collegiate School; Richmond, VA
4. Snail; Cedarhurst outreach art educator: Jennifer Sarver; Primary Center; Mt. Vernon, IL
5. Butterfly; Art teacher: Becky Liefield; Montrose Elementary; Bexley, OH